Thursday, June 4, 2015

Yes I really believe that!

Conviction!  A firmly held belief or opinion.  I don't know about you, but I sure do have a lot of firmly help opinions!
  • The Dallas Cowboys can win the Super Bowl next year.
  • The Seahawks would have won last year's Super Bowl if they would have ran that ball on the last play.
  • Skagit Valley Burgers are the best burgers in the county.
  • Pepsi is way better than Coke.
  • Baseball is not boring.
  • Nascar is not a sport.
  • Captain America is the coolest Avenger!
  • I am a horrible golfer.
This month in Inspire Kids we will be learning about the Life App, "Conviction."  We will define Conviction as standing for what's right even when other's don't.

The book of Acts is full of stories about Peter, Paul, and others standing up for what's right even when it was unpopular.  In Acts chapter 5 the apostles were arrested and put in jail.  But during the night they escaped through an angel of the Lord.  The next day the apostles went back to preaching in the temple courts.  As they were brought to stand before Sanhedrin and the High Priest they responded by saying:

"We must obey God rather than men!"  

Acts 5:29

There will be situations when you have an opportunity to stand up for what's right.  It won't necessarily be easy.  Sometimes you won't want to stand what is right.  Sometimes you'll be tired or even feel alone. As parents those opportunities can come at home or at work.  Your children face these opportunities every day at school or at their sports practice or just by hanging out with their friends.

"For kids, standing up for what's right is one of the most difficult lessons to learn.  But thankfully, as parents we have a unique opportunity to influence our kids and help them navigate the wise choice while the stakes aren't so high."
- Dan Scott

So how do we help our kids stand up for what's right?

  1. Start with conversations about what you support and what you are opposed to.
  2. Be an example on your own.
It won't be easy but we can trust God no matter what.  He'll give us and your kids the strength and courage we need to stand up for what is right..

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