Friday, June 26, 2015

Holy Heroes Batman!

I'm just young enough and old enough to be a fan of the original Batman TV show starring Adam West.  It was one of my favorite shows.  Watching one of the shows now is kind of lame.  I mean it was kind of cheesy. 

The cool thing about Batman though is that he doesn't have any super powers, he just has really cool gadgets.

  • Batmobile Bat-phone
  • Shark Repellent Bat Spray
  • Anti-Penguin Gas Pills
  • Batcomputer Bat-Key
A great quote from Batman is: "The true crime fighter always carries everything he needs in his utility belt."  You may not have Batman's utility built, but there's tremendous power in being a follower of Jesus.

Starting the first Sunday in July our church will be learning about different Heroes from the Bible. In Inspire Kids, the focus will be on how Big Heroes serve a Big God.  In our main service, the focus will be on how the Bible is more than just a manual, it is a story of history which comes alive when one studies the people involved.  These people are real and have a story of their own to tell.  A story that can apply to every follower of Jesus.

Most weeks the kids will be learning about the same Bible Hero as their parents will be.  We can all be a hero. We may not be able to fly like Superman, or walk through a wall like Green Lantern, or have super strength like the Incredible Hulk; but a real hero doesn't need those things.

We can be strong, we can be a hero if we trust in God and his strength. What is God asking you to do?  

Maybe you can be a hero by leveraging your influence to benefit others like the patriarch Joseph did.  Or maybe you're the hero that can never be counted out like King David was.   

Be strong.  Stand up for others.   Speak up for the weak.  Be the modern day hero that God is asking you to be! 

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