Thursday, June 11, 2015


Hope is an interesting thing isn't it?  It is a feeling of expectation and desire for a certain thing to happen.  As I child I was hopeful that someday I would be a NBA star for the Los Angeles Lakers.  I only had a couple of challenges:  I was short, slow, and didn't have a great jump shot!

We hope for so many things.
  • Money
  • Love
  • Peace
  • Happiness
  • Good Health
  • For the kids to sleep in on Saturdays.
Although we hope for so many things, we don't find true hope in those things.  Real hope only comes through faith in God.

Joseph is one of my favorite characters from the Bible.  God spoke to Joseph through dreams.  Joseph didn't just have a feeling of expectation but he had a certainty of expectation.  He knew certain things were going to happen.  Despite that certainty, life wasn't easy for Joseph. His bothers threw him in a pit and left him for dead.  Pharoah's wife got him thrown into prison.

Yet God was faithful to Joseph in each of these circumstances.  God brought hope to what must have seemed to be a hopeless situation

"So Pharoah asked them, 'Can we find anyone like this man, one in whom is the Spirit of God?"  

Genesis 41:38

That's what God does.  He brings hope where there seems to be no hope.

We see this a lot in sports.  The game seems to be over and yet a team makes an unbelievable comeback.  My favorite comeback of all time is the 1991 National league Division Series between the Atlanta Braves and Pittsburgh Pirates.  The Braves were down to their final out, with the slowest runner on their team at second, and a seldom used guy up at the plate.

No matter what you are going through, No matter what you're desire or expectation for something to happen, God can bring hope.  Maybe its finances or relationships or a sickness.  Whatever your situation, hope remains.

He has not abandoned you.  He is there for you.  He will never leave you or forsake you.  Put your trust in Him.

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