Wednesday, June 17, 2015

School's Out! Now what?

Summer is here.  School's Out!  Now what do I do with my kids all summer.  With our kids out of school it can be stressful and not relaxing.

There's that pressure to keep your kids busy so they don't get bored or to keep them out of trouble. Depending on the age of your kids, they need different things.

  • Young children:  need their parents participating in quality play.
  • Elementary Children:  Need interactive activities with peers and parents.
  • Middle Schoolers:  Need peers involved in all summer activities and begin to need less parent involvement.
  • High School Students:  Need to begin work while they have fun in the summer.
Summer is a great time to create positive memories as a family.  Look back at your past year.  What jumps out of you?  It could be a tragedy or it could be a great memory like a family vacation.  Our kids look forward to my wife's family reunion every year.  I probably drive her family crazy and they drive me crazy sometimes.  But I guess it adds to the memory.

There's an app available from Orange Leaders called "Legacy Countdown."  Here's how it works.

  1. Enter a child's name and graduation date.
  2. A countdown for the clock will begin.

Our oldest son, Isaac has his first summer job.  So he's living in Chelan with his grandparents as he works this summer.  The house is really quiet without him.  I'm excited for this growth opportunity for him but it's also a reminder that we only have about 200 weeks left before he graduates from high school.

Time is running out.  It can be depressing or exciting, depending on your perspective.  Value the time you have with your kids.  It won't last forever.

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