Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Best Week Ever

Best Week Ever!  What comes to mind?  A childhood memory?  A family vacation?  

I have had the opportunity to serve on leadership teams at summer camps for most of the last 15 years.  It is always one of the highlights of my entire year - maybe one of my Best Weeks Ever!

I have so many great memories of camp over these years. The birthday cake field activity (flour, water, and frosting), amazing worship and altar times, fun times hanging out with our cabin staff counselors playing German Uno.

  • Camp takes kids and counselors out of their normal routine.  The TV is turned off, screen time is eliminated.  
  • Camp provides an environment where kids slow down to play and have lots of fun.
  • Camp also provides an environment where they can hear from God, can encounter God in a new way, and experience life change.
  • Camp even provides an opportunity for kids o develop controlled independence while being surrounded by so many positive role models.

There are lots or ways you can invest in your kids.  Football Camp.  Horse Camp.  Summer School.  All of those things in themselves are wonderful.  I love that my kids are apart of sports.

But there is no greater investment than the investment you make into your child's spiritual life.  In the end that's all that really matters.

Don't miss out on this opportunity to get your kids to camp.  On August 10th-14th I'll be at SOAR Kids Camp in Cedar Springs with a great group of campers and cabin leaders from Inspire Church.  For more details, go to http://www.icskagitvalley.org/what-we-do/inspire-kids/soar-kids-camp---the-amazing-race

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