Tuesday, July 21, 2015

We provide leverage!

Did you ever watch the TV show, Leverage?  This drama series aired on TNT from 2008-2012.  It followed a five-person team: a thief, a drifter, a hacker, a retrieval specialist, and a former insurance investigator.  As a team they used their skills to fight corporate and governmental injustices inflicted on ordinary citizens.

The famous line from the shows opening credits says, "We provide leverage.

The word leverage is defined as the ability to influence people. events, or decisions.  

This coming Sunday I'm looking forward to speaking about one of my favorite heroes from the Bible, the patriarch Joseph.  Joseph had the character to leverage his influence for the greater good.

You can read the narrative of Joseph's life in Genesis 37-50. Joseph lived a life of ups and downs.  He was chosen, betrayed, tempted, and imprisoned before he become second in command.

In Genesis 39:20b-21 we read that " . . . while Joseph was there in the prison, the Lord was with him; he showed him kindness and granted him favor in the eyes of the prison warden."

As a prisoner Joseph could have seen his situation as hopeless, Instead, he did his best with each small task given him.

Sometimes we may feel like our situation is hopeless,  We may be unhappy in our job, in our marriage, with our sport's team (come on Mariners).  But how we respond in those situations is the key.

You see Joseph' s diligence and positive attitude were soon noticed by the warden.  

In Genesis 39:22-23 it says, "So the warden put Joseph in charge of all those held in prison, and he was made responsible for all that was done there.  The warden paid no attention to anything under Joseph's care, because the Lord was with Joseph and gave him success in whatever he did."

Prison isn't a place where you feel like you would want a promotion.  But while in prison Joseph was not only promoted but he was able to leverage the influence to interpret some dreams.

Events don't always turn out the way we planned.  Joseph didn't plan on being in prison.  

Life may not be going as you planned.  At home, or work, or school, follow Joseph's example by taking each small task and doing your best to leverage your influence for the greater good.  You can be a hero by just thriving in whatever task you have been given.

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