Sunday, August 2, 2015

What We Can Learn from Baseball - Even the Mariners!

I have lot of positive baseball memories.  I remember back in 1995 being in Bellevue Square watching from a Foot Locker when Edgar Martinez hit the double to score Cora and Griffey, sending the Mariners to the ALCS.

Just a few weeks later I was in my apartment listening on radio as the Braves won the World Series.  I like the Mariners but I love the Braves!

As a child I can look back to when I was eleven years old and our majors team won the championship.

I love baseball.  It's not boring or too slow.  There's so much strategy involved.  In fact, there are some great life principles that we can take from it.

Bottom of the ninth.  There's no time clock in a baseball game.  Even if you're down by 10 runs in the bottom of the ninth there still is hope.  I'm thankful that at our lowest point there is still hope.  Anything is possible for God.

It's a long season:  A MLB season consists of 162 games.  You can almost guarantee that even the best team will lose at least 50 games.  There are only a few exceptions.  A baseball season is full of losses and bad days.  Kind of like our lives.  Think about your last week, or last month, or last year.  What comes to mind?  I imagine some really good things and maybe some difficult circumstances.  Hebrews 12: says . . . 

"Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses in the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up.  And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us."

Baseball is a team sport.  Nine guys are on a field at a team.  Everyone has to contribute.  Nelson Cruz can be dominating from the plate.  But if the bullpen stinks (aka Rodney), and the defense is terrible (pick any appropriate Mariner) then the team will still lose games.  Life is simply better together.  That's why things like Life Groups are so important for believers.  They provide support and encouragement even during  a long season and especially in the bottom of the ninth.

So the next time you are enjoying a great baseball game remember that there is always hope, to keep running the race, and that life is better together,

Go Braves!  Go Mariners!

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