Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Life is Better Together!

There are certain things in life that are better together:

Chocolate chip cookies and a glass of milk.
Lock and keys.
Tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwiches.
Netflix and your couch.
Peanut Butter and Jelly.
Table and chairs.
Fish and Chips.
Football and the Dallas Cowboys!

Last week during our Back to School Party as was reminded that Life is Better Together as 70 volunteers served together to give back to our community in a tangible way.  A church of 150 could not have accomplished what we did with out the support of the great people of Inspire Church but also our great community sponsors as well.

When life get difficult as it does at times, there can be a tendency to isolate yourself'; to hide out; to become an introvert.

But when life is at a breaking point that's the best time to do life together.  To live in community with other believers.

As we approach fall this is a great opportunity to commit to living life in community.  That doesn't mean you have to join a monastery or live in a house with 4 other families.

For you it may mean joining a Life Group or serving on a ministry team. You are not really living in community just sitting in rows on a Sunday morning.  Community takes place in circles and in the trenches.

There is unlimited potential when we choose to do life together.

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