Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Dirty Jobs

There are some jobs that no one really wants to do.  Like at Kids Camp at 10pm when a camper decides to vomit in his cabin. He had a really good dinner!  It was dirty, gross, and it really stunk.

But sometimes you just have to take the initiative, even when the job is dirty.  Initiative isn’t just some practical principle; it’s really a spiritual principle that starts with God.  God took initiative on our behalf. When God saw our broken relationship with Him, He sent Jesus to make it right. And because we are made in God’s image, we are wired to be able to take initiative and get things done.

Initiative is seeing what needs to be done and doing it. 

All month long in Inspire Kids, we're heading to the Old Testament to talk more about one of the greatest examples of someone taking initiative: a man by the name of Nehemiah.  

Nehemiah worked for the King of Persia but he was Jewish. Some of his people had moved back from Persia to Jerusalem, the capital of the land God had given them, and Nehemiah got word that Jerusalem was in trouble. Back then, cities were surrounded by thick, high walls. These walls protected and guarded the city. But the walls around Jerusalem were broken down. It was a big mess. 

Now, Nehemiah wasn’t an engineer. He didn’t have any construction experience. He didn’t even live in Jerusalem. And he had a pretty cushy job, working as a cupbearer to a king. But Nehemiah knew that he could help. He knew he had to help. And he figured that he might be the only person willing to get the job done. So he did. The Bible tells us that because of Nehemiah, the wall around Jerusalem was completely rebuilt in 52 days. Isn’t that amazing? Nehemiah saw the job that needed to be done. He didn’t wait for someone else to do it.

To help your kids understand initiative, this month read the following Scriptures with your kids and ask these questions:

  • Week 1:  Nehemiah 1, Ask God for the energy to get all the little jobs done and for courage to face even the biggest jobs.
  • Week 2:  Nehemiah 2:1-18, Take turns praying for each other to have initiative this week - at home, at school, or at work - even if the task isn't "your job."
  • Week 3:  Nehemiah 5:1-12, Pray for each other to have open eyes to see the needs of those around you, a heart that hurts for other's needs, and hands willing to jump in and do the work to help them.
  • Week 4: Nehemiah 4;6:15-16, Talk about a big job ahead of you in the coming weeks.  Ask God for wisdom and strength to complete the task.

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