Monday, August 17, 2015

What I Learned at Camp!

Last week I had an opportunity to spend a week with over 300 campers.  Kids Camp is a place where kids can be kids.  A place where they can play, develop friendships, and experience God in a life changing way.  Last week I was reminded of a few lessons that go beyond Kids Camp.

1. Things don't always go as planned.
No one planned to get a broken arm, but one boy left camp early with one.  We didn't ask for it rain on Wednesday causing the pool and other activities to be closed for an hour.  

Life has many surprises.  Some are good and others are unpleasant. How we respond is the key.  We can respond with anger and impatiently or we can respond with understanding and with God's love.

2. Life is better together.
Or leadership team was effective because we worked well together (even the Canadians). The Teal Team was the winning team becasue they worked well together too.  Well, it did help that they had more campers than the other teams.  Kids could only experience the Giant Swing as a group.  It simply couldn't be done alone.

We weren't created to live in isolation but rather we are to do life in community.  That's why circles are better than rows.  Together we can accomplish far more than we could ever dream of doing as individuals.

3. Choose your battles carefully.
I have a type A personality.  I have definetely been accused of being OCD and being a perfectionist and being over analytical.  There are some things that happened at camp that I didn't like.  I certainly got anxious when morning chapel ended late or when Cabin18 was always late for meal times.

But I had to choose my battles.  Many of the things that bugged me were just my own personal preference and didn't have any lasting effect on anyone's overall camp experience.

You may have some circumstances in your life that you need to let go of and others that you may need to fight for.  God can give you the wisdom to discern which is which.

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