Monday, May 18, 2015

My Top 5!

The #5.  The number of Super Bowl Championships that my Dallas Cowboys have.  Gary Chapman talks about and has written extensively about the 5 Love Languages.  The number 5 is mentioned 318 times in Scripture.  Who knows - I may have just helped you out in your next game of Trivia Crack!

I recently reread a blog by Carey Nieuwhof called "Why Your Kids Need Five Other Adults in Your Lives."  In this blog, Carey says . . .

"When your kids, need to talk, who do they talk to?  I mean beyond their friends and beyond you as a parent?  Friends are limited help; sometimes the last thing a 6-year-old needs is advice from another 16-year old.  And sometimes the last erson they want to talk to is a parent.  I'm sure there are parents who say, "my kid will talk to me." But let me ask you something, did you tell your parents everything?"

I don't know about you but there are sometimes when my kids just seem to be tired of my voice.  I'm thankful that there are some adults in my kid's life that have similar values that I have.  Adults that I feel comfortable with my kids going to to discuss difficult questions with.

How can you help to develop these relationships?  I would suggest the following ideas to get you started.

  1. Help them to connect in Small Group environments at church.  Does your church offer Small Group opportunities for your students?  If so, wow!  What a great opportunity.  Get them involved.
  2. Cultivate the relationship with your Children's or Youth Pastor.  Sometimes this happens naturally but at other times you may need to actively develop this.  Invite your Children's or Youth Pastor over for lunch or invite them to one of your student's sports games.
  3. Make your extended family a priority.  Does your student have an aunt, uncle, or grandparent who serves the Lord who also has a great relationship with your student.  Cultivate that relationship,
You also will want to involve your child in this process.  Your top 5 may not be their top 5.  Open up the lines of communication and talk about the top 5.

Who is your Top 5?

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