Friday, May 1, 2015

A Little White Lie

As a child I struggled with being honest with my parents.  I would do something that I wasn't proud of and then to cover up I would lie about it.  I can't imagine ever lying about something I was proud of.  It's always about covering something up.

You may have heard this saying, "The cover up is worse than the lie."

In the 5th chapter of Acts there is a great story about honesty in the book of Acts.  You may be familiar with the actions of Annanias and Saphira.  In verse 3 Peter says, " . . . you have lied to the Holy Spirit . . ."  Both Annanias and Saphira fell down and died.

God probably won't swallow me up or you up if you are dishonest.  Well hopefully not.  But he does want us to be truthful in whatever we say or do.

Why is being honest important?  How does it benefit me?  What about a little white lie?

Well, first of all, God is honest.  Since the beginning, God has been in the business of making and keeping promises.  If honesty is important to God, it should be important to us.

Second, honesty builds trust in relationships.  If you want a healthy relationship with your spouse, co-worker, friend, or child . . . be honest.  If you are dishonest even in those little white lies then you will more likely have unhealthy relationships.

Third, you are an example to your kids.  If it's okay for you to tell a little white lie, then you are telling your kids that's its okay for them to do the same.

Often it is easier and tempting to just tell that little white lie to cover up a mistake you have made or to cover up that decision that you are not proud of.  But in the long run that little white lie can do a lot of damage to those relationships that you most treasure.

Let's keep Psalm 119:29 in mind - "Keep me from cheating and telling lies.  Be kind and teach me your law."

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