Friday, June 26, 2015

Holy Heroes Batman!

I'm just young enough and old enough to be a fan of the original Batman TV show starring Adam West.  It was one of my favorite shows.  Watching one of the shows now is kind of lame.  I mean it was kind of cheesy. 

The cool thing about Batman though is that he doesn't have any super powers, he just has really cool gadgets.

  • Batmobile Bat-phone
  • Shark Repellent Bat Spray
  • Anti-Penguin Gas Pills
  • Batcomputer Bat-Key
A great quote from Batman is: "The true crime fighter always carries everything he needs in his utility belt."  You may not have Batman's utility built, but there's tremendous power in being a follower of Jesus.

Starting the first Sunday in July our church will be learning about different Heroes from the Bible. In Inspire Kids, the focus will be on how Big Heroes serve a Big God.  In our main service, the focus will be on how the Bible is more than just a manual, it is a story of history which comes alive when one studies the people involved.  These people are real and have a story of their own to tell.  A story that can apply to every follower of Jesus.

Most weeks the kids will be learning about the same Bible Hero as their parents will be.  We can all be a hero. We may not be able to fly like Superman, or walk through a wall like Green Lantern, or have super strength like the Incredible Hulk; but a real hero doesn't need those things.

We can be strong, we can be a hero if we trust in God and his strength. What is God asking you to do?  

Maybe you can be a hero by leveraging your influence to benefit others like the patriarch Joseph did.  Or maybe you're the hero that can never be counted out like King David was.   

Be strong.  Stand up for others.   Speak up for the weak.  Be the modern day hero that God is asking you to be! 

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

School's Out! Now what?

Summer is here.  School's Out!  Now what do I do with my kids all summer.  With our kids out of school it can be stressful and not relaxing.

There's that pressure to keep your kids busy so they don't get bored or to keep them out of trouble. Depending on the age of your kids, they need different things.

  • Young children:  need their parents participating in quality play.
  • Elementary Children:  Need interactive activities with peers and parents.
  • Middle Schoolers:  Need peers involved in all summer activities and begin to need less parent involvement.
  • High School Students:  Need to begin work while they have fun in the summer.
Summer is a great time to create positive memories as a family.  Look back at your past year.  What jumps out of you?  It could be a tragedy or it could be a great memory like a family vacation.  Our kids look forward to my wife's family reunion every year.  I probably drive her family crazy and they drive me crazy sometimes.  But I guess it adds to the memory.

There's an app available from Orange Leaders called "Legacy Countdown."  Here's how it works.

  1. Enter a child's name and graduation date.
  2. A countdown for the clock will begin.

Our oldest son, Isaac has his first summer job.  So he's living in Chelan with his grandparents as he works this summer.  The house is really quiet without him.  I'm excited for this growth opportunity for him but it's also a reminder that we only have about 200 weeks left before he graduates from high school.

Time is running out.  It can be depressing or exciting, depending on your perspective.  Value the time you have with your kids.  It won't last forever.

Thursday, June 11, 2015


Hope is an interesting thing isn't it?  It is a feeling of expectation and desire for a certain thing to happen.  As I child I was hopeful that someday I would be a NBA star for the Los Angeles Lakers.  I only had a couple of challenges:  I was short, slow, and didn't have a great jump shot!

We hope for so many things.
  • Money
  • Love
  • Peace
  • Happiness
  • Good Health
  • For the kids to sleep in on Saturdays.
Although we hope for so many things, we don't find true hope in those things.  Real hope only comes through faith in God.

Joseph is one of my favorite characters from the Bible.  God spoke to Joseph through dreams.  Joseph didn't just have a feeling of expectation but he had a certainty of expectation.  He knew certain things were going to happen.  Despite that certainty, life wasn't easy for Joseph. His bothers threw him in a pit and left him for dead.  Pharoah's wife got him thrown into prison.

Yet God was faithful to Joseph in each of these circumstances.  God brought hope to what must have seemed to be a hopeless situation

"So Pharoah asked them, 'Can we find anyone like this man, one in whom is the Spirit of God?"  

Genesis 41:38

That's what God does.  He brings hope where there seems to be no hope.

We see this a lot in sports.  The game seems to be over and yet a team makes an unbelievable comeback.  My favorite comeback of all time is the 1991 National league Division Series between the Atlanta Braves and Pittsburgh Pirates.  The Braves were down to their final out, with the slowest runner on their team at second, and a seldom used guy up at the plate.

No matter what you are going through, No matter what you're desire or expectation for something to happen, God can bring hope.  Maybe its finances or relationships or a sickness.  Whatever your situation, hope remains.

He has not abandoned you.  He is there for you.  He will never leave you or forsake you.  Put your trust in Him.

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Yes I really believe that!

Conviction!  A firmly held belief or opinion.  I don't know about you, but I sure do have a lot of firmly help opinions!
  • The Dallas Cowboys can win the Super Bowl next year.
  • The Seahawks would have won last year's Super Bowl if they would have ran that ball on the last play.
  • Skagit Valley Burgers are the best burgers in the county.
  • Pepsi is way better than Coke.
  • Baseball is not boring.
  • Nascar is not a sport.
  • Captain America is the coolest Avenger!
  • I am a horrible golfer.
This month in Inspire Kids we will be learning about the Life App, "Conviction."  We will define Conviction as standing for what's right even when other's don't.

The book of Acts is full of stories about Peter, Paul, and others standing up for what's right even when it was unpopular.  In Acts chapter 5 the apostles were arrested and put in jail.  But during the night they escaped through an angel of the Lord.  The next day the apostles went back to preaching in the temple courts.  As they were brought to stand before Sanhedrin and the High Priest they responded by saying:

"We must obey God rather than men!"  

Acts 5:29

There will be situations when you have an opportunity to stand up for what's right.  It won't necessarily be easy.  Sometimes you won't want to stand what is right.  Sometimes you'll be tired or even feel alone. As parents those opportunities can come at home or at work.  Your children face these opportunities every day at school or at their sports practice or just by hanging out with their friends.

"For kids, standing up for what's right is one of the most difficult lessons to learn.  But thankfully, as parents we have a unique opportunity to influence our kids and help them navigate the wise choice while the stakes aren't so high."
- Dan Scott

So how do we help our kids stand up for what's right?

  1. Start with conversations about what you support and what you are opposed to.
  2. Be an example on your own.
It won't be easy but we can trust God no matter what.  He'll give us and your kids the strength and courage we need to stand up for what is right..