Wednesday, December 31, 2014

The Rehearsal Room

Rehearsal Room
When I was a teenager I tried to learn how to play the keyboard.  It was a pretty awful experience.  I really have little to no musical abilities.  It just isn't how God made me.  I also didn't put a a lot of effort into it.  So with my lack of talents and my lack of efforts, I was never going to become an amazing keyboard player.

To become great at playing an instrument, you need to practice . . . to rehearse.  You need to commit to sticking with it even when you don't feel like it. (God given talents help too!)

This is true for faith.  To grow -  to mature - takes practice.  It takes commitment.  Once you accept Christ as your Savior you don't automatically become the perfect Christian.

Just like learning an instrument takes practice . . . so does your faith.  This month in Inspire Kids will focusing on different faith skills as we learn about the Life App, Commitment.  Kids will be encouraged to make a plan to put these faith skills into practice.

As we start a new year what a great time it is to check our personal rehearsal rooms.  Are you growing in your faith?  What faith skill (prayer, personal worship, Bible reading) needs a little more practice?  This new year make a new commitment to grow in a specific area.

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