Wednesday, January 14, 2015

The Plan!

This month in Inspire Kids we are teaching our kids about commitment. For us commitment is about making a plan and putting into practice.

I like to run from time to time.  Not doing a very good job of that right now.  I guess I need to make a plan.

A few years ago I participated in a 10 mile run at the Pear Blossum in Medford, Oregon.   It was a great experience.  Would love to do that again or compete in a half marathon.

But I didn't just show up one day and run.  I trained for almost 3 months so I could actually run to the finish line and not crawl.  At times I had to run in the rain.  Glasses, rain, wind, and running don't mix very well.  Saturday's were hard being my long run day.  There was no way I could skip those days.  I had to stick to the plan in order to reach my goal.

When it comes to our faith, we need to stick to the plan.  It takes work, it takes practice, it takes a plan.  What is your plan for growing in your faith?  What goals are you trying to reach?

Do you have a Bible reading plan?  Do you have a plan for your prayer time?  If not,
make a plan and stick with it.  Help your kids to to develop a plan too.

My goal this year is to read through the Bible  Below are some resources that might be helpful.

Oh yeah . . . if you like to run like me, you may want to check this out.

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