Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Generosity - Pay It Back

Merry Christmas!  What a fun time of year. What a crazy time of year!  This month there will be lots of opportunities to practice generosity.

Often we think of generosity in terms of finances, but generosity goes beyond our money. Generosity should impact everything - our time, talents, energy, and resources.

1 Timothy 6:18 says to“Be rich in good deeds … be generous and willing to share.” We're not generous because we are rich, we are rich because we are generous.  Generosity changes us when we learn how to give the way God gives.

As focused as our kids may be on what they're getting for Christmas, sometimes that makes it even more surprising how much they want to give.

Children seem to be the first to notice the homeless man on the street or know about the family with the unemployed dad.  They're wired for generosity, and how we approach the holidays will help determine if they stay that way.

In each one of our lives, we have a tendency to move towards a lifestyle of generosity or a lifestyle of greed.  Are we wrapped up in ourselves or our things, or do we reflect God's character by giving freely to others?

So how will you as a family demonstrate generosity this December?  Here's one idea.  I'm sure you can come up with your own as well.

Pay-It-Back Cookies!
As a family make several batches of cookies.  As you're baking talk to your kids about people who help others.  Decide as a family who you will give the cookies too.  Be sure to deliver the cookies with a thank you note.

Let's all get wrapped upped in Jesus and in giving and not the gifts.  If children understand how to be generous it will not only change the people around them but it will change them as well.

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