Thursday, November 13, 2014

Life isn't fair!

In Matthew 20:1-5, we read that a few of the workers started making comparisons to what others were getting paid and became ungrateful and started complaining.  Then at the end of the day, they had a bad attitude because they thought, that's not fair,

The truth is that sometimes life isn't fair.  Your child should have had the opportunity to play more in their game, you should have received the promotion over your co worker, your bff should have kept your promise to you.

Life isn't fair!

There are many times when we don't want to give thanks - especially when life isn't fair.  But our hope in Jesus allows us to be thankful regardless of our circumstances.

So how do you teach your kids to be grateful?

  1. Model and teach gratitude:  It's been said that things are caught not taught.  The best way to teach gratitude to your kids is to model it.  Are you showing gratitude to your spouse, to your boss, to your parents, to the Lord?  Don't just say it but show it.  Work gratitude into your daily conversation.
  2. Have kids help.  Find things for your kids to do.  Serve at a community kitchen as a family.  Maybe come up with a family tradition of serving the community at a particular event each year.
  3. Insist on thank you notes.  Its so easy easy today to say thank you through text or a Facebook message.  It's quick and easy.  There's nothing wrong with using technology to say thank you.  But you may want to take an extra step and have your kids write out thank you notes for their birthday and Christmas gifts.  They can even send a note to their teacher or coach as well.
Showing gratitude is not just an action but its an attitude.  As you model this attitude you are teaching your kids to do the same.  It's about choosing to be grateful instead of miserable.

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