Saturday, November 1, 2014


Gratitude!  This the time of the year that we tend to think more about what we're grateful for.

White Mochas.  Family.  Health.  The Dallas Cowboys beating the Seahawks!

Gratitude is more than things; it's an attitude.  1 Thessalonians 5:18 says "Give thanks no matter what happens.  God wants you to thank him because you believe in Christ Jesus."

If we never take the time to acknowledge what God has done in our lives or how others have helped us, we may develop an unhealthy ego or a growing frustration with the people around us. We might become bitter and complain about everything little thing. 

Take time today, this week, this month, this Thanksgiving, this Christmas . . . to be grateful.  You always have something to be grateful for.

How will you practice gratitude these next two months?

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