Monday, November 30, 2015

Just do something!


I recently read a story about the late Colonel Sanders of Kentucky Fried Chicken.  He was on an airplane when an infant screamed and would not stop even though the women and flight attendant tried every trick they could think of.

Finally the Colonel asked if he could hold the baby. he gently rocked it to sleep.  

Later a passenger said, "We all appreciated what you did for us." Colonel Sanders replies, "I didn't do it for you, I did it for the baby."  He was demonstrating compassion towards the baby.

December is a great time of the year to talk about Compasssion. Compassion is that feeling of deep sympathy and sorrow for another who is stricken by misfortune, accompanied by a strong desire to alleviate the suffering.

For the month of December, we will be teaching about Compassion in Inspire Kids.  The main idea is that compassion is caring enough to do something about someone else's need.

God saw our greatest and did something about it.  He became one of us. Humbling Himself to be born as a tiny baby in a remote town in the dwelling place of animals. His birth announcement was sent first to a lowly group of shepherds and later to kings from a distant land. He lived as one of us, so that eventually He could die as atonement for our sin and be raised again on the third day so that we could one day live eternally with God in Heaven.

So as leaders and as parents let's take time as we approach Christmas to teach and live out compassion in our lives.  Seek out teachable moments where you can instill compassion in the lives of your kids.

As these teachable moments occur keep in mind that this is the time of the year when kids (and adults) suddenly NEED a lot of things.  

Most of these needs are just WANTS. Their greatest need is for a Savior - and God met that need on Christmas Day.  Jesus is the ultimate example of compassion.

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