Monday, January 11, 2016

Lead like Alex P. Keaton

One of my favorite television shows growing up was Family Ties.  I mean who didn't love Alex P. Keaton.  He was one of my heroes.  

Family Ties, which aired on NBC for seven seasons from 1982-1989 reflected the move in the United States away from the cultural liberalism of the 1960's and 1970's to the conservatism of the 1980s.  This was particularly expressed through the relationship between young republican Alex P. Keaton played but Michael J. Fox and his hippie parents.

I was reminded of his character as I was reading through the book "Killing Reagan" by Bill O'Oreilly and Martin Dugard.  In fact, President Reagan once stated that Family Ties was his favorite television show.

Ronald Reagan had an interesting and fulfilling life.  An actor who at times was great but at other times was awful.  He served as the Governor of California and the 40th president of the United States.  The last few years of his life must have been very difficult for his family because or Alzheimer's.

Without making any political statements I believe there are a couple of principles that we can take from the life of Ronald Reagan.

1. We need to lead with courage.  
There are many times that President Reagan led with courage, but to me his "Tear Down this Wall" speech stands above the others.  On June 12, 1987 Ronald Reagan stands before the Berlin Wall giving the speech that will define his presidency and quite possibly his entire life.

"General Secretary Gorbachev, if you seek peace, if you seek prosperity for the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe, if you seek liberalization: Come here to this gate!  Mr. Gorbachev, open this gate!  Mr, Gorbachev, tear down this wall." 

2. No Leader is perfect.  President Reagan had his share of mistakes and imperfections.  He was married twice.  His acting career wasn't always successful.  He failed at his first run at the presidency in 1976.  And then there was the Iran-Contra Affair or the arms for hostages proposal.

The character Alex P. Keaton in  Family Ties definitely had courage to lead.  But like President Reagan he also had challenges including a battle with amphetamines.

Today are churches, schools, and cities need those in authority to lead with courage.  Courage can tear down walls.  Leaders will make mistakes and even let you down, but its still important to support them when they lead with courage.

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