Tuesday, October 27, 2015

I just wanted coffee . . .

Customer service seems to be a dying art.  If you ever needed support with your cable, Internet, or cell phone provider, you probably can relate. 

I recently was at a local store for a meeting.  I arrived early so I was planning on grabbing a coffee.  But since there was only one employee working I never was waited on or even acknowledged that I was in the store.  It might be awhile before I return there.

For us, we often think of service in terms of our experience with a waiter at a restaurant or the phone call we make for technical support or in my case the lack of service at the local store.

But as we lean into God’s heart and discover what it means to reflect His character to the world around us, we soon discover something more about service. It’s not what people do for us or don't do for us, but rather what we need to be doing for the people around us.

This month's Life App in Inspire Kids is SERVICE.  We define it as lending a hand to help someone else. There’s something pretty great that happens when we decide to take the focus off of ourselves and lend a hand to help someone who needs it.

Service is such an important virtue for all of us to develop.  Today's culture is more about us than others.  Some of us take more selfies of ourselves than pictures of others.  Our kids need to move from receiving l the time to experiencing the joy of serving.

This month join me in praying that our kids are inspired to use what they have to engage in the work God is doing and make a difference in the world.

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