Wednesday, February 25, 2015

I Want It Now!

Patience can be defined as "the capacity to accept or tolerate delay, trouble or suffering without getting angry."

Yikes!  "Without getting angry.'" That's the tough part, isn't it?

One of my favorite books of the Bible is Job.  In high school I was in a play that was roughly based on the story of Job.  I was not the leading actor but was so vital that they needed me to play 3 different parts.  Clearly, Hollywood was not quite ready for my acting skills!

One of my roles was to play the part of one of the kids that died.  Only had one scene as the kid.  We were all sitting at a table eating dinner and I knocked the turkey off the table.  That was not in the script.  Epic fail!

Job is a different book of the Bible than the other poetry books(Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Songs) and at times not the most encouraging; however there are many life lessons.  In essence, its the story of the justice of God in light of human suffering.  Job showed patience with his suffering, with his advisers(friends), and with God.

Haven't read the book of Job.  Take some time to read it this month and notice the patience that Job displayed.

There are opportunities every day to display patience.  We have been painting our Inspire Kids area.  I hate painting.  It's not something you can rush.  You have to be patient.  If you try to rush painting, it becomes a huge disaster.

For God, it seems as though patience is all about relationships with people. Even after we sinned, He still pursued us. He sent Jesus, His own Son to make a way for us to be with Him. He waited time after time for people to repent and make things right—something He still does today.

When we show patience, we are less likely to hurt our relationships with others. We are more likely to trust that God has something better for us in the future. And when we trust God with our future, even when we’re in-between on life’s journey and asking Him, “Are we there yet?” we can have patience knowing that His plan and His timing are always better than our own.

This month as we partner with you in teaching your kids about patience, consider starting the discussion in your home with these questions.

Ask a kid:  What are some things that you have to wait for?
Ask a parent: Why is patience important for us?

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

I Have Decided to Pass . . . wait I should have . . .

Life is about choices.  Some choices are easy, others are life changing. Some choices only impact you, other choices impact so many people like should I pass the ball or run the ball with 30 seconds left in the Super Bowl! Sorry Seahawk fans.

It's been said that the choices you make dictate the life that you lead.  In Joshua 24:15, Joshua proclaims his choice for his family.  "But if you refuse to serve the Lord, then choose today whom you will serve. Would you prefer the gods your ancestors served beyond the Euphrates?  Or will it be the gods of the Amorites in whose land you now live? But as for me and my family, we will serve the Lord."

Think about the many choices you have to make each day.
  • What should I eat? 
  • What should I wear?
  • What should I watch?
  • Will I exercise today?
  • Will this be the day that I will confront my spouse or my boss or my friend?
  • Will I choose to forgive or will I hold on to my grudge?
  • Will I choose to spend time with the Lord today?
  • Will I take the opportunity today to share my faith with someone?
  • Will I chose to overcome the addiction in my life or will I fall to temptation?
My church is currently going through a teaching series called 'I Have Decided."  People are being encourage to decide to follow, to give, to share, and to love.  These are all choices.  Most of these things don't come naturally to us.  They require work just like staying physically healthy does. Spiritual Growth is also a choice that requires a commitment to work at it.

What step or choice do you need to take to continue to grow spiritually?